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Instructional Videos

Bellydance Basics


In this free dancing video series, Tara will teach you the foundations of belly dancing that will greatly aid future belly dancing endeavors. Learn the history of belly dance, proper attire, breathing and muscle isolation techniques, as well as balance exercises. Find out how facial expressions can affect your performance, and see a few belly dancing warm ups. Dancing veteran or novice, everyone can enjoy the excitement of belly dancing.

Bellydance Basics
Bellydance for Beginners
Bellydance for Beginners


Watch as Tara takes you through each step like, spin with reaching arms, step touch, serpent arms, various slides, horizontal and vertical chest movements, the shoulder shimmy and more. Finally watch as she takes all the moves and combines them into a beautiful and exotic bellydance routine.

Traveling Bellydance Moves
Upper Bellydance Moves
Lower Bellydance Moves
Bellydance Moves
Bellydance Combinations and Performance
How to Bellydance with a Veil
Traveling Bellydance Moves


You will learn a variety of ways to move around a room while bellydancing, such as the three point turn, triple step and grapevine move. You will also learn the camel step, gush move and hip thrusts. If you are interested in bellydancing, Tara will show you a variety of ways to move your body around the room in graceful dance movements.

Upper Body Bellydance Moves


You will learn a variety of ways to use your hands, arms, shoulders and head to accent your belly dancing skills, such as the head slide, wrist circles and falling leaves moves. You will also learn chest lifts, shoulder hits and shoulder lifts and falls.

Lower Body Bellydance Moves


Learn about facing hip lifts and drops, hip clicks, hip thrusts, large hip circles, figure 8's with hips, the Maya and the Washing Machine Shimmy. Get the blood pumping and look exotic with belly dancing!

Bellydance Moves


In this group of beginner and intermediate bellydance videos, you will learn a variety of ways to use your hips, chest and arms in bellydancing, such as the figure eight move and the upper and lower undulations. You will also learn the pistol hip move, the omi move and camel traveling move.

Bellydance Combinations and Performance


Performing a belly dance is a great way to express your body, get some exercise and entertain people. Learn how to do a variety of bellydancing combinations and get tips on bellydancing choreography, costumes, makeup and basic performance hints.

How to Bellydance with a Veil


Learn popular bellydance moves like the tent, mask, veil walk and butterfly. Tara covers many variations of these moves, all using the veil to add allure and mystery to bellydancing. Tips for figure eights, dips, shimmies and walks offer a beginning or experienced bellydancer something to include in their practice or routine.

© 2025 by Bellydance By Tara.

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